This website switched to HTTPS

My webhoster 1blu has finally added the possibility to get a free LetsEncrypt SSL certificate for this website. So is now available via HTTPS. Let’s Encrypt With LetsEncrypt getting an SSL certificate is free. There

Virtual Reality Experience with Google Daydream VR

Virtual Reality is a hot topic these days. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to test an Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers. PlayStation VR and HTC Vive have also been released lately. Android Developers like

Personal Jenkins Server with Docker

Nowadays, every software development team should have a continuous integration server like Jenkins. This is as true for Android developers as for any other platform. It makes sure the current source code compiles and all the

Should you go for self-employment?

I am now 9 months into my career as a freelance consultant and would like to share my experiences with it. The question if you should make that switch too depends on many factors and can not be

Implement a turn based game AI with optimizations

My last post about implementing a turn based game ai became famous on Reddit/Programming for one day. It looks like many developers are interested in this topic. Some readers, with more knowledge of the topic than myself, have

Implement a turn based game AI (on Android)

Game AI Developing a game AI can be as much fun as playing, especially when creating your own computer opponent. I am going to present you a simple pattern that works for nearly all turn based game


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG Ulrich Scheller Bahnhofstr. 1b 83064 Raubling Vertreten durch: Ulrich Scheller Kontakt: Telefon: 0179-8021031 E-Mail: Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Ulrich Scheller Bahnhofstr. 1b 83064

Interviewing software engineers

Interviewing basics When interviewing software engineers, you typically want to answer one simple question: Will they be a good fit for my team? Therefore, your interviewing process should focus on answering this question. Obviously both sides try to answer


Paragliding is my favorite hobby. I love to be up in the air whenever possible. In the beginning of 2010, I took part in a paragliding course and finished it in September 2011 with the

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