Native- and Mobile Web Apps

As a native apps developer since 2008, I have seen time and time again the wish to develop everything with one toolset. Most often, the toolset of choice is the web, or HTML, CSS and

Virtual Reality Experience with Google Daydream VR

Virtual Reality is a hot topic these days. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to test an Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers. PlayStation VR and HTC Vive have also been released lately. Android Developers like

Implement a turn based game AI (on Android)

Game AI Developing a game AI can be as much fun as playing, especially when creating your own computer opponent. I am going to present you a simple pattern that works for nearly all turn based game

Android AppRater

The Android AppRater is a little tool in form of a source code snippet for getting better ratings in the Android Market. Its basic idea is to kindly ask users to rate your application, after

Concurrency in java (german)

The Free Lunch Is Over – that is the famous headline of an article about how the evolution of hardware alone will not solve our performance problems anymore. With the rise of multicore CPUs, software

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