Start measuring

I have been missing one important part of improving my software for a long time. But after starting my new job at 1&1 in Munich, I was reminded of how important it is. always measure

Something is happening on the protocol front

For many years the basic layers of network communication have been unquestioned. TCP and HTTP are doing a solid job of delivering static and dynamic content to our browsers. But in some aspects those protocols

Gain productivity by scripting your workflow

One thing that helps me a lot during my everyday routine is having shortcuts for every simple action I perform. For example uninstalling a specific Android app opening the current XCode project opening a ‘tail

Android AppRater

The Android AppRater is a little tool in form of a source code snippet for getting better ratings in the Android Market. Its basic idea is to kindly ask users to rate your application, after

Concurrency in java (german)

The Free Lunch Is Over – that is the famous headline of an article about how the evolution of hardware alone will not solve our performance problems anymore. With the rise of multicore CPUs, software

Building a very easy text classifier in python

Some of the developers at match2blue are creating a text-interest-matcher. Leaving buzzword bingo aside, that means the software calculates whether a text is interesting based on users’ interests. So basically you, as a user, have

Things I am missing in Android development

This is a list of things I would like to see for Android to improve the development of apps. Don’t get me wrong, Android is one of the best platforms out there, but this doesn’t

Android Fundamentals talk

This is the screencast and voice of my Android Fundamentals talk from december 2009. It was given on the 29th floor of our jentower for the towerbyte.

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